Thursday, November 20, 2008

Anti-Aging Fear of Aging

The fear of aging affects every individual at one point or another. Aging is change to your body and mind through the course of one person's lifespan. Most people have a negative perception of aging to the point it creates extreme anxiety in their lives and devalues the quality of their life. As one grows fear of aging may mean the loss of beauty, the loss of teeth, wrinkles, and the loss of bodily organs.

This is a transformation of the physical realm of reality of which society heavily focuses. Indeed, society helps to feed this anxiety toward aging. As we age society seems t0 desire us less and less and contributes to the fear of aging. We are no longer useful in the labor force. We are no longer attractive. We are hidden from society by being put into homes so the rest of us don't have to be reminded that one day we will be in this very position and in fact it is inevitable.

Making the Process More Enjoyable

Consequently we feel powerless to this undesirable process. The fashion, cosmetic and plastic surgery industries are having a hay day over our anxieties and fear of aging. In fact, they feed our fears because after all it is in their economic interest to keep us fearing and buying their products and services in this vain believe that we will somehow avoid impending death.

However, there is more than one way to look at aging. In fact, the word has many negative connotations that come along with it. According to Buddha, in order to avoid suffering and pain we must detach from our physical reality and perceive it only as a temporary illusion. By doing so we release ourselves from fear and suffering. We decide to live in the moment and be grateful for good or bad and this includes the deterioration of the body.

In addition, our preoccupation with the loss of our youth prevents us from welcoming the changes and mystery the journey ahead presents. However, one can make a radical shift towards embracing the gifts of aging. There are other ways to deal with aging in order to create a positive, wonderful learning process.

As we grow older it is important we cultivate our relationships even more. We need to keep in contact with someone close through thick and thin and subsequently our relationships will be based on deeper factors rather than just the way someone looks.

Become aware of your spirit and develop spirituality when through prayer, meditation, or Yoga. We all need to feel the inner sense of our innate divinity.Lastly, make a difference in your world by doing something for people who need your help. All over the world, love and help is needed and by helping the animals, people or the earth we can tap into our inner power and let our true beauty shine at any age rather than focusing on the fear of aging.

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