Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Success and Healthy Aging

How to understand healthy aging:
Healthy aging is defined as a process that does not implicate disabilities and disease. Living a healthy aging involves removing these debilitating conditions. To leave this world of old age is healthy living. When you can go out without having conditions that end your life sooner, you have lived a healthy life.

Someone who stays active throughout their life can reduce aging symptoms, such as crowfeet, wrinkles, etc. The person can maintain activities and take care of self can also keep their teeth longer, at least most. Most active people will enjoy life longer than those who sit on the couch holding it down.

According to medical experts, the number of elders entering nursing facilities has decreased. Yet, people 85 years of age are becoming an increasing figure. Disabilities of people between 74-85 have also decreased according to medical experts. People 65 years of age and older has reduced incapacitating illnesses as well according to medical experts. This means that people are taking life more seriously, obviously; otherwise we would see ongoing conditions in society. According to medical experts also, the average person living active cannot live past “125,” yet the number of people living past 90 is increasing. According to medical experts the average life expectancy is past 90, yet some people manage to live past 120. This is due to transience conditions and its changes according to experts.

Ironically, common aging is complex for the reason that impairments and illnesses may develop through the process of aging. Some of the diseases that cause rapid aging are due to hereditary. One must learn the processes in DNA to understand and relate to this factor causing rapid aging.

One example of common aging is seen when a person eats carbohydrates. As we grow older, carbs will increase the level of blood sugar naturally. This is common, yet it is not normal when the blood sugar rises for a person with any type of diabetes. As you can see the senescence is obvious in natural changes, while it is not always understandable with unnatural conditions.

On the same note, common aging includes forgetfulness, comprehension decline, and so on. Yet, if a person has signs of progressive conditions, such as dementia, which emerges from Alzheimer’s disease, thus its clear aging is unhealthy and unnatural. You want to understand genetics to relate to this condition.

Our body goes through many changes, which in medical terms is known as senescence. Medical experts, as well as the general population find it difficult to understand common aging signs, since avoidable illnesses, accidents, etc, and non-biological aspects play a role as well. Unnatural causes such as drinking alcohol excessively, drugging, overeating, and so forth is factored into common aging and uncommon aging. Doctors also consider prolonged existence when dealing with healthy aging.

When considering healthy aging one must take in consideration that longevity plays a part as well. Longevity has changed since the 19th centuries. Nowadays women are living well past 90 and men are living well beyond 80 years of age. Again, transience or mortality has changed, which has increased living expectancy.

To live a healthy and long life one must take steps to reduce aging. One must take care of their teeth, and overall body and mind. In fact, taking care of your teeth and gums can reduce your chances of heart disease. Experts found that the teeth and gum link to nerves that can submit poisons to the heart, thus causing heart attacks, or strokes. To learn more about teeth and gums, speak with your dentist.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Stop Smoking in Healthy Aging

Stop smoking now means you could live a happy and healthier life. As you already know smoking is bad for everyone, not just the ones that smoke but the ones that breath in the second hand smoke. Second hand, smoke is harder on you then smoking. Forty-five hundred Americans start smoking every year. Why would they want to do this to them self I can’t truly answer you. Because once you get started, you cannot stop. You are hooked and that is not very good for you. Most people start at an early age in life, they are curious or they want to be cool. The biggest problem is most people lack education that helps them to see how smoking causes them to age faster.

The problems smoking can cause:
Smoking can cause many problems when it comes to your health not to think about the expense. Smoking can cause cancer, heart disease, and strokes, increase cholesterol and so on. Your heart is affected, since smoking causes your blood vessels to build up with cholesterol and fat. The results leads to harden of the arteries. Harden arteries mean that the blood flow will not pump fast enough to support the heart’s natural requirements. This starts blood clotting, broken blood vessels etc. It can also cause angina which will make you think that your having a heart attack but your aren’t its just not getting enough blood to the heart to make it pump right. Then it can cause you to have a heart attack, since smoking is a blockage so that there is no blood going to the heart.

Smoking can cause strokes or bronchiolitis. This disease is contagious, which most people do not realize it. The viral infection affects the airway, which affects breathing. The common cause of this contagious disease is smoking or second hand smoke. Smoking promotes bad breath, stained teeth, smelly furniture and clothes. You also get common colds and flu more often. You will start to cough and then you won’t be able to breath they even may put you on oxygen. In addition, smoking is so expensive now days. It is not worth it you will end up regretting it in end. On top of this, you get addicted to the nicotine once you are hooked your hooked.

Bronchiolitis is a common viral infection, which affects the respiratory syncytial. The condition causes inflammation. Once the inflammation accumulates the airway is blocked, since the nicotine consumptions and infections causes the airway to narrow, which the flow of air is obstructed.

Why is nicotine addictive?
You get addicted to the nicotine because of all the chemical put into the tobacco. It’s not so much as the nicotine that makes you sick it’s the chemicals that they put in the tobacco, that cause you to get the disease like lung cancer and heart disease. In addition, what ever you get from smoking. Nicotine or cigarettes have several chemicals incorporated into it to causes addictions, and finally death.

How can I quite smoking?
Once you are hooked, it is going to be hard to quite. You have to decide that you’re going to quite regardless of what it causes, such as weight gain or being on edge.

You have to pull up the will power to do this and stick to it. You can say I will have one now and no more, yet it don’t work that way. You have to find the way that best fits your needs and build the will power. You may want to consult with your doctor who can offer you helpful suggestions on stop smoking.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Social and Physical Environment Slowing Healthy Aging

As we age our mind and nerves are not as good as they were 20 years earlier. Living day to day brings a lot of stress into our lives. Some of the stress can be controlled but not all of it can. Everyone will always have a certain amount of stress on a daily basis. The excess can either be your best friend or worst enemy. It takes you to make it your own.

Are you a person that stays in the house all the time who does not know your next door neighbor? Everyone need to get out and socialize with other people, it will help you relieve the stress of being alone. Sometimes being with other people, you can learn from them about how they handle stress just by observing and being welcoming.

Get rid of as much stress as you can or it will lead into depression, maybe a heart disease, stress can cause many things to happen to your body. As aging progresses, we body lack the functions or abilities to maintain good health.

You have control:
Get out of the house and join an exercise group. Take in some vitamin D that comes from the sun by walking 15-20 minutes a day; make it fun by asking someone to walk with you around the block. The sun is good for you if you know your limits on how much you can handle and you can socialize too at the same time.

Being around people is good for all of us. People teach you new things about life. Having friends or acquaintances prevent us from drifting into depress. Depression can be caused from many things; being alone and just thinking about things you have no control over. If you become depressed for more than a couple of days see your doctor and he can give you medications and advise you on how to control it. Depression will take over your life and when it does, you can’t get out of it alone. Don’t let this happen to you.

What about your environment?
Is there a lot of violence in your neighborhood or do your neighbors argue often, keeping you awake at night? If the neighbor’s are making too much noise talk to them and ask them to please quiet down because you can’t sleep. As we age, our sleep is very important to our health. Losing sleep effects our mental capability as well as body functions. If we don’t get enough sleep, we feel tired all the time; we stop enjoy activities and begin lying around the house, and maybe even to tired to eat.

Is there a lot of violence in your area? Does your area have too many breaking and entering or stealing going around where you live? Violence and crime can scare all of us to the point that we’re afraid to go outside for that 15 minute walk. Locking yourself in the house is not good, which depression will step in again. Maybe it is time for you to relocate to somewhere your closer to family or to another area where you’ll feel safer to be.

We all need to be and feel safe and if it requires moving to another location then that might be the answer. Don’t let things around you be a problem if you have to go to the area police, maybe they can drive around the area once in awhile to keep an eye on things. Safety is very important for all of us.

Remember we all need to socialize with others and be safe at the same time. As we age, things change everyday including the environment around us. Keep talking and enjoying your friends and check with others about safety; maybe they can help you decide on how the handle it.H

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Staying Fit and Healthy Aging

The aging process starts from the day we are born. A person may not realize it but we need to work on staying fit and healthy everyday. In the end, you’ll feel and look younger all during the aging progression.

There are many things you can do to stay healthy and feel good. Watch your diet and continue activities throughout the course of your life. Your diet has a lot to do with aging and health. Your diet contains vitamins, minerals and other nutrients you need to stay healthy.

If your over weight try getting yourself into an exercise program. Walking is a great program to get involved. Start out walking gradually and work your way up to 12 to 15 miles by walking two or 3 times a week. Walking brings up the heart rate making it do its work. You can loosen the tight and stiffness in your legs and besides loosing weight with diet it will help to tone your muscles. Combined weight lifting with your walk agenda but don’t over work, yourself because it will make your muscles sore. Along with your new walking and weightlifting program trim down your diet and take supplements to make up for the vitamins you are cutting out. Exercising will burn up some of your vitamins too so make sure you take enough but not too much of the supplements. If you are not sure about the amount to take, consult you physician.

As you build new activities, you will be meeting people and that always gives you something new to talk about to help keep the depression away. You will need encouragement and support throughout your goal to stay healthy. Seek support from family, friends, or people with the same goals.

As we grow older high cholesterol becomes a health issue with most of us. Your new walking program is a good start to lowering your levels. 2 miles a day, 3 times a week will help you to lower your cholesterol by helping you lose the excess weight you’ve put on in the last couple of years. If walking doesn’t seem to be helping to level out your cholesterol, try eating seven nuts. The combination of both will sometimes bring it to a balance. Be sure your doctor knows what your doing as these things continue. Grease is good in nuts and olive oil to help lower the blood pressure and blood sugar as well. Try changing your diet and eat more whole grain foods while you cut back on the meat you love so much. Instead of using, spreadable fats use olive oil and canola margarine. As a snack…sneak in those nuts:

Has your blood pressure gone up in your older years? Try adding three servings of low-fat dairy products to you diet. Calcium, magnesium and potassium are good to help lower that blood pressure.

Cancer is always a threat to us young or old so we need to start early on trying to help prevent it. Vitamin D is a good vitamin to take along with getting 10-15 minutes a week of sun with no sunscreen on. Watching your diet and taking vitamins, helps reduce the risks of getting colon, breast, or ovarian cancer.

Ovarian cancer for women is very common, yet women have the power to lower their risks. Green and black tea 2 times a day or even eating an apple or grapefruit will help. Anything that is high in antioxidants is good.

Mixing your foods to cover everything daily is a good idea so you don’t get bored eating the same things all the time. Mixing up what you eat in a recipe or on your plate the nuts, maybe some black-eyed peas, whole grain wheat bread or cereal and add a little peanut butter on that bread.

Changing your foods that you eat may not stop you from getting cancer but it is known to lower the risk and help prevent it. Remember your not a doctor so be sure to have regular check ups.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Socializing to Continue Healthy Aging

It is always a good thing to have friends, which you can socialize with. There are so many good things about being around people. It is difficult living alone without someone there to lend you an ear when needed. Unfortunately, we live in a world filled with consume souls, which rarely take the time to share and listen to others. Still, you can find someone in the billions of people in the world who will listen. When you are alone you, feel lonely. At this time your body and mind endures unwarranted stress from lack of socialization. Experts tell us all the time to get out and enjoy life, since withering away, locked behind the walls of your home will affect your health.

What problems can non-socializing cause?
Non-socialization can affect your mind and body. Usually a person who refuses to socialize will sit around dawdling in self-pity. The mind starts to stress out, which leads to depression. While you may enjoy being alone away from stressful relationships, you need balance since sometimes you need company. You need to be active so you stay healthy you need to socialize with people like you need the sunshine. With out socialism you will feel tried and sick all the time.

Why is socializing good for me?
Socializing is good for you, since it gets you out to meet other people. As well, you keep active, which great for building and strengthening the bones, joints and muscles. Studies were conducted with proven results stating that those who stay active can live to healthy aging.

What can I do to meet more people?
There are many ways to meet people. You can visit your local stores and meet new people. Taking a walk is a great way to say hi to passer-bys. You never know you might find a friend for life. Maybe you would like to go to a local church. Church is a great way to meet people. Perhaps you can get involved with church groups and join in group activities. Give your time to a local shelter for people in need that would be a wonderful way to meet people. Maybe at your place of place of employment, you can become familiar with one of your fellow workers. Getting out to enjoy the world is a great way to live a healthy aging life. If you just sit home, you are waiting for something to happen. You are missing all the things the world has to offer you.

When you sit home, alone your health will slowly fade away. At what time your health diminishes you will feel sickly. You have to get out and enjoy life this way you will stay healthier and enjoy life to the fullest. Staying active will make you happy and you will have more of a healthier life.

One thing you want to keep in mind, as you age your bodily functions start to change. You will notice these changes.

One of the first things that start to decline is the musculoskeletal system. This system is designed to give you strength and energy. When this system starts to degenerate, you have less time to spend in the world. To keep the system healthy one must exercise, eat right and socialize.

When you socialize, activities will follow. As you see socialism provides you a means to carry forward in life without weakening the musculoskeletal system, more than aging alone will cause it to degenerate.

You have options. On this note, take action now to live your healthy aging life with success following your every path.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Sleep Disorders and Healthy Aging

The US studies has shown that around 70% of the citizens do not get the proper rest they need. For this reason, people are suffering poor health, depression and so on. Getting proper rest will help you keep your health in good condition. When you lack proper rest, it affects your concentration. To stay health you need proper rest, sustenance and exercise daily.

As a person ages the body goes through senescence, or changes out of the ordinary. The bodily functions start to decline its actions. For that reason we may suffer, sleep disorders, including insomnia.

What you should know:
According to philosophers, theorists, experts, etc women are likely to experience insomnia more so than men. While many citizens find it difficult to fall asleep, some of us suffer insomnia, which is harder on our health. On the other hand, if you sleep too much during wake hours, it will affect your concentration, impair your memory and cause other problems as well, such as sleeping at night. If you get too much sleep, just like insomnia you may incur high blood pressure. Heart disease and strokes are commonly caused from insufficient or oversleeping as well. You should also learn about Sleep Apnea, which is a common sleep disorder. This disorder is harder to detect than any other sleeping ailment. Sleep apnea is often noted by sleeping partners. Doctors can rarely detect the disorder until a sleeping partner comes forward. The disorder causes the person to wake up all through the night gasping for air. During the day hours, the person often drifts into sleep uncontrollably.

The factors behind sleep disorders:
Sleep disorders, which causes interruption of restful relaxation can alter your internal organs. Your patterns and rhythms may change often. Your bodily functions will flip out and feel confused, causing a series of interruptions. You may experience joint and muscle pain, especially at the legs, or you may snore at night. The factors can lead to high risks of illnesses, depression, etc. To avoid such complications you will need to reduce stress and perhaps seek help for your sleep disorder.

What should I avoid?
When you find it difficult to sleep, try staying away from caffeine after 7 p.m. Avoid nicotine and alcohol also before going to sleep. If you find it difficult to drift into sleep, try counting sheep. This will bore your mind watching visual captures of sheep jumping over a fence repetitiously. Some people can fall asleep watching television. If it works for you do it. If you are one of those people who listen to music and television and it starts your adrenaline flowing, then leave it alone. You want to avoid eating or exercise before heading to bed as well. Exercise will boost metabolism. Eating may cause indigestion.

Helpful tips:
If you find it difficult to sleep at night, try adjusting the room temperature, especially if you feel uncomfortable. Turn out the lights so that the room is dark, unless you need a night light due to consistent waking at night due to restroom visits. If you are afraid of the dark, keep in mind that burglars can easily trip in dark areas verses lighted areas. This gives you the advantage of calling for help, since you are aware that someone is in your home. If the lights are on, you are inviting the burglar to stroll freely, tip-toeing through the house without awakening you. This country unfortunately teaches us to run to a lighted area when in danger. Sometimes the light can get you killed.

If you find it difficult to sleep at night, you will likely need medical attention, especially if the problem is on going.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Simplifying Lifestyles in Healthy Aging

As we age, the preservation and expenditures are sometimes more than we can afford to keep up our residence. As you grow older, your decisions have to modify to your affordability. In view of the fact, you may need to consider moving to a low-subsidized project. The housing communities make life simpler for you. In the end, you will pay less, which clears up stress. This leaves you room to plan for your future.

In the world are many housing projects, including the projects designed for seniors. You will find townhouses, condominiums and apartments in your area. You have many options, i.e. you can lease, rent or even buy some of the low-cost homes. If you lease or rent however, the owners usually take care of the lawn, which makes you life simpler.

When you move to areas where people are your own age, it often brings you rewards. You can meet new friends. New friends are great, which you can plan activities together as you work toward healthy aging. At clubhouses for seniors there is always something happening as well. The clubhouses often provide seniors with free meals and fun. Some areas allow you to enjoy bingo. For a diminutive fee, one can join these housings while enjoying two or three meals per day. The meals are balanced and in proportion, which gives you added convenience. You can save time cooking, as well as have three balanced meals each day.

Perhaps you enjoy golfing. Alternatively, you would like to learn how to golf. If you enjoy golfing perhaps, you can find low-cost housing in your community where golf is optional. Many communities have low-cost housing near golf courses. Some areas offer golf lessons. While enjoying golf, you can meet new friends here as well.

Our bodies demand that we enjoy activities on a daily scale. In view of the fact, you want to keep your brain and body in active motion. Of course, you need to take time out to rest, yet planning activities and enjoying them daily will help you live a healthier and longer life. Learning golf will teach you new skills, which is always a great thing to acquire. Learning new skills, artistic quality helps one to stay in touch with self.

Some community residential housing offers you the opportunity to enjoy musicals, poetry reading, lobbying and so on. In the lobby areas, you may enjoy watching the evening news with the new friends you have met.

In some areas, you will find projects that help to keep their seniors happy by taking them on short trips. You will enjoy people your own age while you learn, view new areas, and so on. Perhaps a group of seniors may visit supermarkets, shopping malls and so on. Some areas that offer you such convenience also provides you transportation. What an added gain, since you can cut back expenses of high-priced car insurance, gas, maintenance and so on.

As you meet new, acquaintances or potential friends learn how to manage your time wisely. You want to learn how to understand your friends by expressing your feelings. Expressing feelings is a great way to relieve the mind of stress.

Put together your new life by discovering the meaning of life and your purpose. Also, discover your peace of mind as you socialize daily finding new relationships to share your journey through life. Lastly, you want to listen to people around you, since you can learn how to manage your life by clipping out patterns which people have followed to live a healthy aging life.

Seeing Eye Dogs and Healthy Aging

Aging alone is hard on us all, yet being blind too does not make life easier. You have support however. Being blind makes it hard to be independent, feel safe and secure, which could lead into stress and depression. Even if you have blurred vision but can’t read, a guide dog might just be the answer for you or someone you know.

With the help of a guide dog, one could live independent and go about living a normal life. Imagine living in darkness. This is when a qualified Seeing Eye dog could give someone the healthy life they deserve by guiding them to the light of safety. The feeling of being safe and still be able to have a social life could make one safer and healthier knowing they have protection with them at all times. The giving of dignity and self-confidence that a guide dog can give a person is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened for the blind.

There are also hearing ear dogs trained to keep their masters safe and help them live a normal and healthy life. Hearing ear dogs are trained just like the Seeing Eye dogs to listen and watch for danger giving their master a safe environment. They too are to protect them and help give them a healthier and happy normal life.

A seeing eye dog and the hearing ear dogs have the life of 7-10 years and than is retired and can be replaced. These seeing and hearing guide dogs are trained to watch where the master is walking, to hear and see things that might harm them in some way. People even work regular jobs with their friend beside them guiding them through the everyday working tasks. Seeing and hearing dogs are trained to work not play at all times taking care of their master always watching and listening.

As we age, we need our exercise and socializing to keep us healthy. Being blind and not being able to hear are two very emotional things that can be very depressing especially if they were not born this way. If at one time a person could see or hear normally and all of a sudden diabetes or maybe even a stroke happens to cause them to lose their independence they are naturally going to feel lost and be afraid. A dog is man’s best friend and will give protection where and when it is needed.

When someone decides they might want to have a guide dog but are afraid it might not work out for them or can they trust each other enough to feel safe. The dogs and the new owners are trained together once the dog has learned their manners. The trainer will supervise during the training to teach the dog all your needs and the area so he can guide you through a large city street even. Don’t worry these dogs are trained to keep you healthy and happiness will help provide you with healthy aging?

Healthy aging means many things and one of them is the independence, dignity, safe feeling of protection at all times. What better way to aging if you can’t see or hear than to have a guide dog be your best friend?

If you can’t see or hear and thinking about getting you a guide dog do it soon. You will not forget the experience. Just think you’ll become more independent and will be able to stay alone to have your own personal life again. Keep safe with guide dogs, since being blind puts you at a deeper and higher risk in society.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Reploacing Hormones for Healthy Aging

Aging can affect all of us by changing our hormone levels. As we age the level of hormone that is formed by, our glands decline. Our glands produce the hormones and release them through the blood streams. As we grow older, hormone production slows. To correct the slowness sometimes hormone replacement is essential. Before you jump the gun however, searching for replacement take note that medical experts discovered that men who seek hormone replacement therapy should consider carefully. The replacement therapy is behind, or part of the cause of prostate cancer. You want to check with your doctor always before taking any non-prescribed supplements, therapy treatments, etc.

Our body produces two major hormones that are very important. We start to lose these necessary elements as aging progresses. Our body relies on estrogen and testosterone to keep our metabolism, sex reproduction functions and so forth healthy.

Testosterone is not only important for the men but women too. Men need a higher-level of testosterone. The hormones are what promote facial hair, larger muscles, and deeper voices. Testosterone is what makes the men seem younger and helps them to perform sexually, since it is their drive. As it lowers in men, they lose their sex drive. On the other hand, too much testosterone in our bodies can induce side effects, such as heart disease and enlarge the prostate glands. For this purpose, you want to consult with your doctor before taking replacement hormone therapy.

Estrogen is the other major hormone that our bodies need to keep up with life in general. Women take estrogen to counteract menopause by taking a supplement direct by their doctor. Taking estrogen can also help reduce the risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, Alzheimer's. Estrogen therapy reduces our risks, yet side effects can lead to uterus or breast cancer. Some women experience blood clotting while others may not. In addition, some women have endured heart attacks and strokes after taking estrogen therapy units. Like all other supplements or treatments over-the-counter, one must consult with their physician before taking the treatments. Discuss the good and bad points of taking replacement therapies, such as estrogen and testosterone.

Do you have a hard time sleeping at night?
Maybe you’re lacking the Melatonin hormone. The lack of melatonin is known to interrupt sleeping patterns as we age. Our glands produce Melatonin and it slows down, as we grow older. Study shows that while we are sleeping during the hours of 8PM and 5AM, is when this hormone is produced the most. By taking Melatonin supplements, it can help in the reduction of breast cancer and help to reverse aging along with improving our sleep. The side effects may include drowsiness. Melatonin can cause the blood vessels to constrict as well. It depends if your body has sufficient or deficient amounts. Again, talk with your doctor first. Melatonin according to few can cause heart conditions. Melatonin is dangerous to those diagnosed with high blood pressure. Like most things, it is very important to consult your physician before taking this supplement.

Discussing the aspects of healthy aging:
We have various aspects of the body to consider when discussing healthy aging. Our body produces hormones, cell bodies, neurons, and so on. When our bodily functions are interrupted, it affects the body and mind as a whole and determines how fast we will age. Still, you must consider that environment factors, doctors, medications, smoking, using alcohol excessively and so forth plays a part in our aging process. In fact, we have to review normal aging verses abnormal aging when considering healthy aging.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Preventing Bone Disease in Healthy Aging

Each day we live, we grow older failing to see that our bones and muscles demand activities to continue strength, endurance and resistance to life’s nasty living demands. Our bones need continued activities through out our lives starting as a child. Until we turn 30, the bones continue to build. After this age, the bones begin to disintegrate. You can cutback this degeneration process by taking care of your bones in youthful days.

How it is achieved:
Bone health is achieved through activities, such as exercise. In addition, you maintain healthy bones by increasing calcium. Supplements are available, which include the FDA marked remedies to help reduce bone loss from natural aging.

Taking calcium is very important during our entire life. Children should drink 2 cups of milk each day and adults 3 cups. Calcium in food is better to take than pills because you get more of it; food sometimes doesn’t have the right amounts in it due to the way it has been processed. Get that calcium in your body at an early age and keep it there. Besides calcium however, your bones demand a mixture of magnesium. You will also need a healthy dose of phosphorous. Vitamin D facilitates calcium to flow through the bloodstream. Free flowing bloods make a healthier you.

To improve bones, we also need to start at an early age getting plenty of vitamin D. As we get older, we have a tendency to stay out of the sun more. Don’t sit in the house all day. Rather try to get outside around noon and get some sun with all those vitamin D rays. Supplements can be used but again the sun is better. Maybe take a walk for 15-20 minutes each day to get the sun.

As we aging into the later years of our life, we have to keep those bones strong. You can benefit from weight bearing works, such as walking. Keeping those bones strong will help you survive falls. Falls is one of the leading reasons of bone breakage or fractures, especially as we grow older.

Unfortunately, adolescents don’t realize the importance of taking care of our bones. As these adolescents pass puberty however, their bones start to decline. Once a person reaches 50, the bones start to deteriorate, which puts you at high risk of fractures, disease and breakage. As the bones weaken, the muscles and joints will also degenerate. Injures then can lead to gouty arthritis, arthritis, osteoporosis and so on.

The high-risks of bone fractures are charted, which include hip fractures being the most common injure amongst the elderly. Hip fractures may sound like a minor ordeal, yet the truth is hip fractures are responsible for some deaths.

Weak bones are avertable even once you are middle age. It’s never to late to repair or mend our bodies.

Staying fit is the key to preventing risks of disease, hip fractures etc since the bones will stay healthy. In view of the fact, you want to consider a daily schedule, which includes activities and exercise. You want to keep those muscles free to move, since the muscles protect the bones. Stretch workouts and exercise will prevent your joints from feeling stiff as well, which joints support the muscles and bones.

When you exercise you, maintain weight. As you start to age, the body fat increases to more than 30%. This is too much added weight for the muscles, joints and bones. Carrying around this kind of weight on the feet, legs, etc will cause problems later. Maintaining your weight will help prevent and lower your risks of heart disease, bone disease, high-blood, high-cholesterol, diabetes and so on.

How Working Promotes Healthy Aging

Working is a good way to stay on top of your health. Many things about working make a person feel good both inside and out. Knowing that you can do something to make a difference in peoples lives is a great inter feeling.

How does working make me happy?
Working will keep you healthy by keeping you in shape so you can maintain. Working forces the brain to continue processing, which is good when one is trying to say healthy. Work boosts your self-esteem. Your self-esteem when satisfied will be so high you will not know what to do with it. You won’t feel depressed, since the stress is less on you. Just knowing that you are going to meet your bills on time will give you a peace of mind.

There is a lot of reason why you should work to stay healthy. Take someone that does not work. These people are always sick and depressed, stressed out and not knowing which direction to turn. However, if they were working they would be feeling like a new person that can walk over a mountaintop. If your working you doesn’t have, time to sit and stress over things like paying your bills. You know that you will be able to pay them on time. In addition, you will not be stressing about things that you can’t change in life like maybe a bad marriage, or the children moving out of the house. You will be able to go to work and come home a new person and love the change.

What can stress do to you?
Stress can do a lot to your mental as we as physical reactions. You have to be able to control your stress to avoid illness. Being stressed out all the time can cause you to go into a depression and not be able to get out without your doctors help.

When you feel stressed, it often brings you down. You feel worn and often feel like nothing in life will help. Stress begins to burden you, which affects your health and in time, you will not have control if you do not take control now.

Stress will cause you to lose weight or even gain weight. Stress can cause headaches, which seems to continue. As you allow stress to take over, it gradually breaks down your immunity system. This is when you experience sickness, colds, flu etc. Depression follows symptoms appear similar to common stress. At this point the mind takes over, playing tricks to confuse you further.

Some of the things that depression can cause are either too much sleep where all you do is sleep or not enough sleep making it hard to sleep. You will find it hard to achieve a good night sleep. Now we see fatigue during wake hours accumulating.

Some people that are depressed gain weight. Often they sit around sinking in self-pity, which means activities are out of the question. Now the muscles start to deteriorate, since these natural sources need activities to survive. As the depression continues, the person starts binge eating, or not eating enough foods. Now we have a problem, since the intestines, and other vital organs will sustain damage.

The person often feels saggy, Nagy, and unwilling to exercise. Now we have more problems. Can anyone say Hello Obesity? As you can see, in the end it pays to work, since you will feel better about you. The muscles and joints require consistent movement to promote health. Learn how you can keep those muscles and joints happy by learning more about healthy aging.

Friday, September 12, 2008

New Adventure in Healthy Aging

Life is just another adventure if you really look into its channels. On the first day we are born, we begin a new adventure to healthy aging. After a while, we take our first baby step. Our muscles, joints and bones have already started its progress of aging. Yet, we continue to use our muscles, joints and bones throughout our life to balance our weight. As we reach puberty, despite the notion that we maintained activities the muscles, joints, and bones begin to degenerate. After puberty the declination continues, which our body and minds start weakening.

Throughout our life, we depend on soluble fats to reduce heart disease. We depend nutrients that prevent high cholesterol, which affects so many of us by not eating and exercising correctly. We understand that incorporating the right amount of fibers into our bodies daily will add bulk to our stools. It will speed up to come through and out of our body. High-Fiber diets are something we rely on to slow cholesterol in which the liver produces. We use fibers to keep down the levels of cholesterol, which if increased we know can block the arteries.

Throughout our youthful days, our body changes, yet as we reach age 35 the same body we took time to maintain starts to decline, i.e. the bodily functions start to decline despite the notion that we took time to provide what our bodies needed. Along some time in our life we ask, do I need to lose weight? Many of us ask these questions followed by food binges, ignoring meals, and sitting on the couch hoping that we lose weight. Well couch potatoes, you missed the point, yet help has arrived. High fiber foods links to potential weight loss and control. Because fibers carry through our bodies, it takes some excess calories along the way. Foods that are high in soluble fat are more filling, we eat less of them, and there is the lost of more calories. When trying to lose weight be sure to consult with you doctor before hand, because it might not be the best choice for you. Diet supplements can be harmful even the fiber ones.

Our journey continues:
As we reach 40, we start to look back. Throughout our life journey, we have established a residence, vehicle, children, and more. Now that we are older, we find it harder to maintain or keep up with the bills. Seems the harder we try, the more difficult it becomes. You might say I can’t afford to live here anymore by the age you reach 50. The home taxes, maintenance, etc is weighing you down. You start to wander in your mind, what should I do. First, you must ask, do I enjoy traveling and meeting new people while learning at the same time?

At this time, you begin because your situation requires adjustments. You take moments out of each day dwelling on what you need to do. You check into your community to find low-subsidized housing for seniors. You realize that one day; you may be that senior resting a community housing arrangement. If you vision this now, take action instead of waiting until you are too old to do something about your situation. Unfortunately, many older folks lose their homes, belongings, vehicles, insurance etc as they grow older, which causes them to sink into the world that leads to death. Now is the time to save your future by checking into community housing for seniors. Learn what these facilities have to offer you. In addition, if you like to travel why wait until you are too old to move. Your local travel agent to see if they have any outings planned in the future, that you might like to take. Some times travel packages are cheaper and nicer because they make the entire plan and you just go along with the flow of things. Traveling can be educational as well as a relaxation time for you. Seeing new things and meeting new people are both education. Seeing and going to new places you’ll be learning about things and meeting new people you’ll learn how others live and enjoy their life. Who knows socializing with others may build your relationships up for more fun and relaxation.

Middle Aging in Healthy Living

When a person reaches middle age, they sometimes look back at the wasted years. Sometimes a person may wonder how they obtained wrinkles, illnesses, crowfeet, cellulite and so on. As they continue to look back, they may wander why they didn’t take care of self. The answers were in front of you then, so instead of regretting your past starts taking steps to slow further aging now.

How body fat causes aging:
As we start to age normal body fat increases up to 30%. The fat will spread out over the body, which usually the stomach gets the highest volume of fat. The skin has less fat, which cause the skin to thin out. As the skin thins it causes wrinkles to occur. Unnatural wrinkles occur when a person smokes or else exposes the flesh excessively to the sun throughout their life. As the skin thins, the functions and the body form starts to disintegrate and aging continues to beg to be excused. Upon the declining phase internal organ reactions or functions, begin to decline as well. After a person turns 30, the body starts to send many other regrets. Declination continues downhill from there on out. The body’s functional reserves helps the healthy aging souls carry on, since particular organs can pull the weight.

As the person ages throughout his or her life the person may need to take medications, vitamins, supplements, etc which due to the changes in the body the person may experience effects from illness, environment and toxins in the remedies and environment. This is because the immune system has weakened. As we grow older, the kidneys weaken as well. For this reason the body is incapable of dismissing poisons that come from environmental elements. A person can benefit from CHIRO-KLEENZ at this point to maintain a healthier system. The herbal tea works to detoxify your system while trimming the poisons and unhealthy elements that you acquire. The tea is great for cleaning out the entire system. As we grow older, our body is unable to remove the medicines or drugs taking, which is why you would want to try CHIRO-KLEENZ.

Since many people engage in lifestyles deskbound these days or sedentary and many people smoke, use drugs, drink excessively, eat unhealthy, etc, it is often hard for experts to determine normal healthy aging from unnatural aging. When a person lives unnatural lifestyles the anatomy and the physiology aspects are overtly affected. This means that the nerve cells decline its action, which affects the basic useful unit of the Central Nervous System. (CNS) The neurons make up the cell bodies. The cells die, which are replaced by living cells. As we age, the dying cells gather and the living cells fail to reproduce newer cells to replace the older cells. This mark can lead a person to cancer, or other types of deadly diseases. For the reason you want to learn remedies, about vitamins, supplements, etc that restore dying cells. Of course you are not capable of stopping nature from finally stopping living cells altogether, but you do have a chance to slow natures process. One of the best solutions is exercise. Studies have shown that exercise is the number one reason that people survive many diseases and aging.

Once the cell bodies are affected, the dendrites in the brain start to decline also. When the dendrites start to decline it is a sure sign that mental confusions will follow. When dendrites are affected in the brain, other areas of the brain are affected as well. As you can see the chain of declination continues to decline until it finally reaches the main regions of the bodily functions.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Longevity and Healthy Aging

Since the 19th centuries, common prolonged existence or longevity is greater than before. At one time, the average male expected to live up until the mid forties, while the average female expected to live until the late forties. This seems illogical, since many of our older generation of people born in the 1900s are still around today. As our system advanced, experts found that people were living beyond the 70 and 80s. The longevity has changed dramatically providing the people gain. Still, in recent times, men are expected to live over 80 and women are expected to live past 90. Rarely do you see someone who has lived past 100 years of age. According to experts, a person living past 125 years of age has the same odds of finding a needle in a large haystack. Most people can live past 90 however providing they have quality medical care and their hereditary makeup is healthy.

Many illnesses today emerge from poor eating habits, lack of exercise, poor sleeping habits, and bad habits such as excessive drinking, drugs, nicotine, etc. Still, some people are marked at the beginning since they have genetic makeup that poses threats to their health. According to experts, genetic makeup is responsible for some cases of Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, and so on. According to experts, genetics influences a person's longevity. If a person has a family history of disease, their risks are higher of coming in contract with the same or similar disease. In short, if a person has a high risk of genetic factors, the person will likely have a shorter living expectancy.

How do doctors consider longevity?
Doctors review family history to search for genetic factors that may show short or long life expectancy. If you have a history of diabetes, the doctor will take actions to reduce your risks, yet it may not help stop the disease. Doctors also consider your lifestyle. Do you smoke? Do you have an alcohol problem? Do you have drug problems? Do you have anorexia or bulimia? Do you exercise? If you answered no to each question, then likely you will live a longer and improved life. On the other hand, if you answered yes to these questions you can expect to live a shorter lifespan.

Doctors will also consider factors, such as environment when considering longevity. If you live in an area where toxins are high, likely you will have unnatural exposure to these toxins, which shortens your life. Even if your genetic makeup illustrates longevity, your environment plays part in how long you can live.

Doctors consider medical care. If you have a history of visiting your doctor often, then you will have a better chance at living healthy. Medical care is the process of reducing risks of disease, preventing disease and finding treatments for pending disease.

What you should know:
Did you know that some types of not all cancers are curable providing the disease is spotted early? Did you know that Alzheimer’s disease is curable if the disease is caught in the early stages? Did you know that most diseases are curable, providing the disease is caught at an early stage?

If you know this, you will see that medical care is essential to live healthy while aging. Since the 19th centuries, medical experts have come along way. In addition, the experts continue to find ways to help people live a longer life. Doctors took their roles in life because they care about your health (at least most) therefore listen to the considerations that doctors focus on to help you live a healthy aging life.

Lifestyle in Healthy Aging

Do you sweat the small stuff? Do you find stress has increased in your life due to depressive episodes? Are you searching for a new lifestyle, yet find it difficult to relax and find answers? We have many options in the world, which gives us the convenience of having fun while selecting a better lifestyle. When changing your life style you’ll probably have to make decisions that will be hard, yet you can do it if you think about yourself and not others.

Aging for most of us is not something we are looking forward to. Life can go on for many years. In view of the fact, we all need to learn how to relax and take care of ourselves so we can see a brighter future.

We all need to make our life simple. Keeping it simple will help reduce stress. Sometimes we have to give up our long-year running homes where our children were raised. As one ages the stress of preserving, our home increases. Money usually becomes a big issue, which causes stress. The maintenance and taxes alone are very stressful for someone that is living on social security these days.

How to decide:
Do you plan to stay in the same area you live now? Do you prefer to live in a better climate? The questions demand an answer before mortgaging your home. If you plan to move to a better climate to live healthier, consider the climate. Many of us suffer from allergies, hay fever, or other ailments due to climate changes. If you plan to live healthier and reduce, your risks of upper respiratory conditions then consider your options before making a decision to move. You want to consider your budget as well. If you are living a fixed-income, consider the low-cost housing projects.

In your community, you may find housing projects for seniors. If you want to cut back your expenses without moving to another climate, consider these options. You will find housing for seniors however in other areas in the event you choose to move. Many housing projects for the seniors will provide you with links. The links are for your convenience, which includes free meals, cheap transportation and so on. At the buildings, you will likely meet new friends, which makes life more purposeful and fulfilling. Once you’ve decide where you are going to relocate it takes burden off your mind.

Don’t get me wrong there will always be some stress in your life that you will not have control of. Now that you’ve made one of the biggest decision about where you going to live, start thinking about enjoying life. Join an exercise group or get some neighbors to join you for a walk. Walk on sunny days so your body gets natural vitamin D from the sunrays. The vitamins will help keep your bones strong. Exercising helps keep us fit and is a good way to meet new people while having fun.

Don’t forget to watch your diet and make sure your getting enough vitamins to keep yourself healthy. If not sure what vitamins you need and how much consult you physician he can help you make a plan or send you to a dietician to help you with it. Sometimes as we grow older, we don’t eat as much, so supplement vitamins are needed. Your family healthcare provider can help you with this too. The world is filled with various lifestyles, so make your life your own by staying healthy and avoid sweating the small stuff. Making sound decisions is a great start to living free, which promotes healthy aging.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

How Keeping Medical Records Promote Healthy Aging

How Keeping Medical Records Promote Healthy Aging

Most people wander through life taking notes from observing others, yet they fail to take notes to save their health as they age. Medical records are kept by doctors for years, and these men and women do this to keep track of your health. If the doctor cares enough to take care of your health, why shouldn’t you?

How to keep records:
You will need a journal. In the journal, you want to record dates, time, place, etc of your hospital stay. If possible jot down the diagnostics and doctors who served you, write their names in the journal.

You want to record your family’s medical history. Jot down each person in your family tree and name the diagnose. For instance, if your family has a history of diabetes, jot it down. On pen and paper, jot down any information that will help your doctor monitor your health and make accurate diagnosis in the event illness occurs. Do not rely on your memory. In time, you may not have memory, since your family may have a history of Alzheimer’s disease. When you use medical records, keeping them on paper, make copies. Put the copies in safe hands, someone you can rely on, as you grow older to give the copies to you in the event you lose your copies. Put all your copies in a safe area.

You want to keep records of vaccine shots, or immunizations. You want to keep records of lab visits, results, conditions, and treatments you obtained. The records should be updated annually. For instance, if in 2000, you were diagnosed with a disease that caused your liver to shrink, but the disease was curable, write it down. The next year if you notice in similar symptoms, record the new information in your journal. You want to give copies to your doctor as needed.

Once you write your medical journal you can move to research illnesses you might have had at one time. For instance, if in your history you had a repetition visit of colds, learn more about the upper respiratory system. If you had other illnesses throughout your life, take time to study these illnesses. Understanding the illness moves to acceptance, which moves you to prevention?

Prevention is the keyword you want to focus on when it comes to your health. As you age, your body’s functions start to decline its actions, which puts you at high risk of disease. Using your records you want to study illnesses, you may have had throughout your lifetime. In addition, use your records to study genetic disease. For instance, if you have family history of diabetes, research the subject. Take notes on diagnostics, treatments, cures, and so on.

If you follow this friendly advice, as you start to age you will have advantages. For instance, in the future, if you are diagnosed with diabetes you would knowledge. The first thing you will note is symptoms. You would know that the symptoms include prolonged hunger feelings, fatigue, dizziness, etc.

You would take notes on symptoms that emerge when you feel sick and immediately contact your family doctor. You are at the doctor’s office now taking lab tests and so forth to find out what is wrong with your body. Once you leave the doctor’s office with your results you will feel relaxed, since you know that catching diabetes at an early stage gives a doctor the opportunity to slow or cure the mother of all living diseases. This silent tormentor is a notorious killer that everyone should understand. To learn more about healthy aging, seek more information online, at your doctor, or visit your local library.

How Communication Promotos Healthy Aging

How Communication Promotes Healthy Aging

It pays to communicate frequently with your health care manager. When you communicate frequently, you cut back the risks of various diseases that affect the elderly. Studies show that people who frequently discuss their health with doctors live a longer and healthier life.

How far communication stretches:
Communication reaches further however than verbal words. When you doctor reviews your health, you should be willing to participate. Participation includes joining your doctors to find treatments or cures for your condition. In addition, you can communicate well with your doctor if you take the time to learn about healthcare, medicines, illnesses and so on. You not only stay informed, but you can help your doctor find treatments when the condition is swaying. For instance, if you are diagnosed with osteoarthritis, and have knowledge of the condition, you can provide your doctor pointers when the condition causes confusion.

Arthritis is commonly seen in older people. One of the leading causes is due to injuries and bones that hadn’t healed during the injury. The patient may have lacked knowledge to strengthen the bones, muscles and joints, thus the condition lead to arthritis. Hereditary factors key into arthritis as well according to few experts. It is up to your bone structure and genetics that decide if you get arthritis. Contrary to these theories, it may be worth while learning, since arthritis is treatable when you catch it at its earliest stage.

Alzheimer’s is a mental disorder that affects the intellectual functions. At the earliest stage, doctors state that cures are available. The problem is due to lack of knowledge from learning many elders visit the doctors at the later stage. Now we do not have a cure. Now, it these people would have took interest in their own health and various disorders that interrupt elders, thus they would probably miss dementia. Dementia derives from Alzheimer’s disease, which at this stage the disease starts progressing.

Cancer is another disease that affects millions of our older generation. Cancers according to experts may have a chance if only the patient would have taking time to study and learn. As well, if the patient would have visited the doctor regularly, if the patient would have studied health care, thus this patient may had a cure. Since few people take the time to learn about health care, we have a world filled with patients dying from cancer, since no cures are available.

On the other hand, new studies has shown that the blood from a newborns umbilical cord may heal certain types of cancer. The blood is frozen after tested and stored to treat leukemia or other cancer patients. The blood creates new cells at rapid paces, which is great for restoring dying cells. As we grow older the dying, cells accumulate while the living cells degenerate. Perhaps these studiers of medicines has found their cure.

When you take time to communicate with your doctor and study health care, you will have the time to live for healthy aging.

Keep in mind the body’s functions begin to decline when you turn 30. In spite of the facts, when you are young it is time to take action by communicating with your doctor regularly and learning more about healthy aging and disease.

Food for thought:
To stay healthy you will need a primary health care provider. You will need to continue visits, participate in testing, cures, treatments and so on. You will need to contact your doctor when symptoms emerge, which you know by now since you took time to learn about disease before it was too late!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Living Healthy and Long while Aging

Excise has proven to keep a body fit. Exercise helps them to live a long productive life. As we grow older, the bodily functions decline. If a person fails to stay active in their lifetime, the aging process speeds up full force ahead. If you work out when you are young, you will feel good for a long time to come.

Exercise should include cardiovascular workouts. Aerobics is a great workout that helps you to work the heart. The workout will increase your heart rate as well as pump your blood so that it flows smoothly to the heart. You will also need to build strength to prevent injured joints. You may enjoy weightlifting to achieve a resistance workout.

Studies have shown that those working out with weights can live a long and productive life. Experts conducted a study while dividing three clusters of men, which one group had a higher resistance since they lifted weights. The second group failed, as did the third grouping of men, since these people had little activities going in their life. The cluster of men where asked to walk a great distances and at a particular length. During the study experts found that those who worked out had lower cholesterol levels. Those who did not workout had a higher level of cholesterol. According to the experts and study results resistance workout can enforce freedom of blood flow and increasing improvement of overall strength.

Weightlifting has proven to boost metabolism, which gives person energy. In addition, the workouts will strengthen the muscles and provide you with the will to carry on through life while enjoying endurance. Those who fail to workout should be alert that the density of bones decrease. Once the bones density decreases the blood will slowly channel to the heart, which puts you at risk of heart disease.

Weightlifting has proven to decline the risks of high cholesterol. In addition, working out will slow the aging process. When weightlifting however, one should go at their own pace. It is unwise to lift more weights that you can handle. If you are working toward resistance, keep the weights low and the repetitions up. Repetitions on low-density weight scales will suffice, unless you plan to become the next bodybuilder. When working out you should have someone with you in the event the weights are too strong. Having support at your side will protect you from injuries.

Dieting to live a healthy aging life:
When aging begins in our youth, we start to lose fibers, vitamins, and other nutrients. In addition, the dying cells increase while the living cells decrease. For these reason you, want to add supplements or vitamins to your daily diet. A person should incorporate at least 30 grams of healthy fibers in their diet daily. Fiber will help reduce risks, such as heart disease.

Changing your diet now can help you stay on schedule as you age. Some people find it difficult to change their diet, since they are use to fast foods, or unstable meal plans. You want to set a scheduled diet, eating three healthy meals daily.

You will notice improvement by making your diet a goal, plan, and scheduled duty.
We need to make many changes as we are aging to live a longer lifespan. When setting your diet consider grains, fibers, proteins, and so on. Eat plenty of veggies and fruits whenever feasible. Veggies and fruits are known to reduce the risks of diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease and even cancer. Fibers will assist in keeping your cholesterol and sugar level in accord with its natural intention.

Hormones and All that Good Stuff in Healthy Aging

Stomach weight is associated with making the arteries age. Your arteries supply blood through out your whole system and if these become blocked it can cause many problems for you. Obesity can lead to a heart attack, memory loss, the skin will wrinkle and strokes can occur too, which is all caused from the blocked arteries. Your diet plays an important role in helping to keep these arteries clear. You need to include a certain amount of goods fats in you diet if nothing else eating nuts for a snack.

Keeping the mind busy and enjoying activity helps the brain and it will help prevent depression, anxiety and stress. Everyone seems to get these three things as we age because we slow down and don’t get out enough. It is very important to be with people and get that exercise to keep your mind from thinking and worrying so much.

Watch your diet keeping it in control and enjoy many activities. You’ll feel and look better as you age. We can consider all these aspects, yet to find a clear vision of what healthy aging means to you, we have to consider hormones.

The glands produce several hormones, including the Human Growth Hormone. (HgH) Science shows the body produces enough but it doesn’t release all of it as we age. The low levels of human growth hormone cause wrinkling of skin, reduction of energy and sexual performance. Gray hair is incurred from hormonal deficiencies. The hormone will also cause increases of body fats, and puts you at the risk of heart disease. You will lose muscle mass from deficient HgH, which can lead to shrinking of bodily organs.

Studies were conducted that shown results from 26 men. These men were between the ages 61 and early 80s. The studies shown that the supplement of Human Growth Hormone slowed the aging process 10-20 years total. After giving HgH, these men showed improvements, which enhanced muscle strength. The skin tone was enhanced as well as the memory. The overall of aging has not been stopped but important signs of maturity are improved.

Vitamin A is known to help the eyes but in recent studies, it was discovered that it is also helps release the human growth hormone. Just remember when buying supplements in a health food store the labels are not always accurate.

When taking any hormone replacement supplements make sure that you consult with your doctor, only he or she knows what is best for you. Since supplements, Vitamins, or replacement therapies may include side effects, you want your doctors advice first before administering these remedies.

Women rely on estrogen to maintain healthy bones. Women need these hormones to reduce the risks of shrinking in bone density. Women will often experience symptoms that form into osteoporosis when estrogen is deficient. Estrogen will often slow as a woman ages, and usually after menopause the woman’s lipid levels drop.

This can cause high cholesterol also, since LDL increases. In addition, lipid levels when increased can lead to blocked arteries, or coronary blood vessel/artery disease. After a woman goes through menopause she, starts to age for the reason that the ovaries begin to slow the production of progesterone and estrogen. These major hormones control menstrual cycles, which stop at this point.

Men rely on testosterone to maintain their youth. This hormone controls a male’s sex drive, facial hair growth and so on. We all have our hormones that perform many actions, yet in some instances we need replacement, especially as we grow old. Sometimes replacing the hormones will slow the aging process, thus promoting healthy aging.